This Is a Blog: Hello Kitty Gun Crosses the Line... Into Fun!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hello Kitty Gun Crosses the Line... Into Fun!

[originally written for on 2/27/08]

It's very possible that when I first saw this, my brain exploded. Not from a self-inflicted gunshot would, though, if I did own a piece of Hello Kitty weaponry, I might kill myself.

What it comes down to is me not getting the Hello Kitty phenomenon. It's just a white cat. Maybe if I understood the appeal, I would get why it was necessary to put her innocent visage on an instrument of death. Coincidentally, I learned just today that Dakota Fanning, belying her quest to never have a childhood, is an avid Hello Kitty collector.

The question now is, does Dakota Fanning own the Hello Kitty gun? I can only hope yes, and one day she snaps in the most adorable way possible.

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Blogger Anna Schafer said...

Not from a self-inflicted gunshot would, though, if I did own a piece of hello kitty weaponry, I might kill myself.

August 26, 2014 at 5:33 AM  

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