This Is a Blog: UFL Update: Shit's Still Happening

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

UFL Update: Shit's Still Happening

During the off-season, I go to the UFL web site, just in case something happens.Today that obsessive behavior was vindicated. It turns out a lot happened this week.

1) The Florida Tuskers are no more - The franchise folded, and good riddance to them. Florida simply did not need more football teams. Now my only worry is I don't have a UFL team to hate. It sort of sucks for the league, though; so much for an 8 team league. Really sucks for Joe Theismann. What a way to squander millions of dollars.

2) Jay Gruden's now the coach of the Destroyers - Between 2009 and 2010, the California Redwoods became the Sacramento Mountain Lions and the New York Sentinals became the Hartford Colonials. Looks like now, for all intents and purposes, the Florida Tuskers are becoming the Virginia Destroyers. Gruden's moving from Orlando to Virginia and taking all his protected players and defensive coordinator with him. For those of you keeping track, the only team now that's still called what it was in 2009 are the Las Vegas Locomotives, who have coincidentally won both Championship games.

3) Joe Moglia's now in Omaha - Moglia's now the president of the Omaha Nighthawks, and following a clear pattern, he has named himself head coach, which is strange because I figured the Nighthawks would want to get back to winning. It seems all along Moglia really wanted to be coaching in Nebraska. Besides being the place he grew up, the Nighthawks play in TD Ameritrade field. Now the CEO of TD Ameritrade can play in TD Ameritrade field and possibly (hopefully) change the franchise name to the Omaha TD Ameritrades. TD Ameritrade (if I mention the company a few more times, maybe they'll give me money).

So I guess I'm not on hiatus until September. UFL action just keeps on going. The league hopes to get up to at least 6 teams by the time the season starts. If that happens, I'll be sure to keep you updated.

Update 2.03.11 - Jay Gruden just signed as the Cincinnati Bengals' Offensive Coordinator. So basically ignore #2.

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