This Is a Blog: Poor Jake Busey

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Poor Jake Busey

[originally written for on 8/5/08] 

Gary Busey's your father. Sweet deal, right? No.

Think of all the embarrassing things your father's ever done, all those jokes, all those horrible moments that ruined your social life. Now imagine your father is Gary Busey. I'm talking post brain injury Busey.

Think about it. Gary Busey screaming from the stands at your little league game. If he's not drunk, he's still bat shit crazy. Now imagine he's not at your game, he's on national TV, letting it all out on "Celebrity Fit Club" or "I'm With Busey." You share his last name, so everyone thinks you're crazy too. Oh, and you share a couple chromosomes with him, so you probably are crazy.

Poor guy.

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